The Georgia Department of Revenue (DOR) began accepting individual income tax returns on January 27, 2020. The Department has found that having a later opening date has played an important role in the fight against fraud. The deadline to file 2019 individual income tax returns, without an extension, is Wednesday, April 15, 2020.

New Distribution of 1099-G and 1099-INT

For Individuals, the 1099-G will no longer be mailed. The Department has built a new tool for taxpayers who receive Form 1099-G (a form for taxpayers who both itemized deductions on their return and received a refund) and the 1099-INT statement (for individuals that were paid $600 or more in refund interest during the 2019 calendar year). Taxpayers now can search for their 1099-G and 1099-INT online on the Georgia Tax Center (GTC) at .

For Businesses, the 1099-INT statement will no longer be mailed. Taxpayers must log into their GTC account to view their 1099-INT under the Correspondence tab. The 1099-INT statement is for non-incorporated businesses that were paid $600 or more in refund interest during the 2019 calendar year.

Per Senate Bill 183 from the 2019 legislative session, each person that files or is required to file Form 1099-K with the Internal Revenue Service must also electronically file a copy of such Form 1099-K with the Department through the Georgia Tax Center. The taxpayer can include:

  • A duplicate copy of all Form 1099-Ks filed with the Internal Revenue Service; or
  • A duplicate copy of all Form 1099-Ks related to taxpayers or payees with a Georgia address.

Additional reminders for both individuals and businesses:


  • DOR began accepting 2019 individual income tax returns on January 27, 2020.
  • Most refunds are issued within 21 days, but it may take more than 90 days from the date of receipt by DOR to process a return and issue a refund.
  • All first-time Georgia income tax filers, or taxpayers who have not filed in GA for at least five years, will receive their refund in the form of a paper check.


  • Businesses must file employee W-2 information with DOR by January 31, 2020.
  • Employers who file late may face penalties and will slow the processing of their employees' tax returns.

"We are dedicated to efficiently processing individual income tax returns, while also ensuring we are protecting taxpayer dollars from criminal fraudsters." said State Revenue Commissioner David Curry. "I encourage taxpayers throughout the state to be aware of the changes for the upcoming tax season and to be vigilant in who they select to prepare their taxes."

Media Contact

Name: William Gaston
Office: (404) 417-2286
Cell: (470) 725-5265
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