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The Department of Revenue’s greatest assets are its employees. We want all our employees to feel rewarded and happy in their DOR career journey.

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The Department of Revenue’s greatest assets are its employees. We want all our employees to feel rewarded and happy in their DOR career journey.
The Department of Revenue offers its employees alternative work schedules, training & development opportunities, recognition programs, health insurance, employee wellness programs, vision & dental coverage, retirement options, annual & sick leave, 13 paid state holidays, and College Savings programs.
The mission of the Department of Revenue is to administer the tax laws of the State of Georgia fairly and efficiently in order to promote public confidence and compliance, while providing excellent customer service.
Learn more about our Mission & Vision
Customer Service Representatives
Customer Service Representatives are often the first point of contact for our citizens and other stakeholders when it comes to resolving their important questions or needs related to filing/processing tax returns (and refunds), obtaining refund payments, locating & applying payments, understanding assessments, and processing title & vehicle registrations. More >
Revenue Agents
Revenue Agents contribute to our mission of educating and assisting taxpayers in achieving and maintaining voluntary compliance with the tax laws of the State of Georgia. Working with individuals or business entities, Revenue Agents are equally committed to providing services which bring our stakeholders back into compliance via options such as offers in compromise, bankruptcy, or payment plans. More >
Tax Examiners
Tax Examiners learn a multitude of tax types to provide assistance with the filing, examination, and processing of tax returns (and refunds). They provide service to individuals and businesses alike across such tax matters as individual, corporate, sales & use, withholding, tax credits & incentives, and motor fuel, just to name a few! More >