Tobacco Excise Taxes

Georgia tobacco/vapor excise taxes are collected by in-state licensed wholesalers at time of sale to the retailer but may also be remitted by the dealer should they obtain untaxed product shipped into Georgia, deeming them to be the distributor. All taxes collected shall be remitted to the Department of Revenue.

Product Examples Packaging/Measurements Tax Unit Tax Rate
Loose Tobacco
Pipe tobacco, roll your own tobacco, shisha
in grams/ounces
Wholesale cost price
Chewing tobacco, snuff
in grams/ounces
Wholesale cost price
Large Cigars
Any roll for smoking made wholly or in part of tobacco when the cover of the roll is also tobacco
Cigars weighing more than 3 lbs. per 1,000
Wholesale cost price
Little Cigars
Any roll for smoking made wholly or in part of tobacco when the cover of the roll is also tobacco
Cigars weighing 3lbs. or less per 1,000
Per cigar
2.5 mills
Vapor Closed
Pod, cartridge
Measured in mL
Prefilled, disposable device
Per fluid milliliter
5 cents
Vapor Open
E-juice, e-liquid, vape juice
Liquid solution
Wholesale cost price
Single use
vapor device and product
Vape pens
Taxed as a unit/package
Wholesale cost price
Any roll for smoking made wholly or in part of tobacco when the cover of the roll is paper or any substance other than tobacco
20 or 25 cigarettes = 1 pack, 
10 packs = 1 carton, 
50 cartons = 1 master case
Pack of 20/25
$0.37 pack of 20 cigarettes 
$0.4625 pack of 25 cigarettes OR $3.70 carton / $4.50 carton