All partnerships, corporations, and LLCs registering with the Department must register as a new business using the Georgia Tax Center (GTC). Sole Proprietors have a different registration process.

  • Gather the Required Information

    To begin your registration, you will need the following information:

    • Legal name, location, and mailing address of your business
    • Federal Identification Number (if applicable)
    • Business type (corporation, estate, fiduciary, LLC, partnership, sole proprietor, subchapter s corp)
    • Name and address of owners, partners, members or officers
    • Social Security Number(s) of owners, partners, members or officers
    • NAICS Code
    • Contact e-mail address
  • Register Online as a Partnership, Corporation, or LLC

    1. Go to the Georgia Tax Center
    2. Under Registration, click Register a New Georgia Business
    3. Review the requirements. Click Next
    4. Select the Business Type
    5. Complete the required fields and click Next
    6. Enter your business location
    7. Click Verify your address to confirm the address for your business. If needed, click Select next to the correct address and click Next
    8. Select the accounts you are registering and click Next
    9. Complete the required information.  Answer the questions regarding your account by clicking the Yes/No boxes. Click Next
    10. Enter your NAICS code and click Next
    11. Click Add Officer/Responsible Party to add your officers or responsible parties (Fill out the required fields only)
      1. Select Effective Date
        1. The Cease Date is the date officer leaves the company, is no longer responsible, and/or terminates their status with the Company. Cease Date is NOT required to register.
      2. Enter Officer name, ID, address, and phone
      3. Enter Officer job title and email
        1. Click on the add button to add more than one officer or responsible party
    12. Complete the required information for each and click Next
    13. Complete the required fields to create a logon for GTC.  Click Next
    14. Review your information and click Submit
    15. Click OK to confirm that you want to submit the request
    16. You will see a confirmation page. Write down number or print for your record. Once the registration is processed you will receive an email from “No Reply” with Login information for GTC and new Georgia Tax Identification Number(s)
    17. Click OK
  • Find Helpful Information

    If you need help registering your partnership, corporation, or LLC, please:  


    Taxpayer Information

    For general information, taxpayer assistance, refund inquiry, and business tax concerns.

    877-GADOR11 (+1 877-423-6711)