Income Tax Letter Rulings

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Search for Income Tax Letter Rulings

Document Description
Quality Jobs Tax Credit
Childcare Tax Credit
Investment Tax Credit
Investment Tax Credit
Low-Income Housing Tax Credit
Job Tax Credit
Quality Jobs Tax Credit
Quality Jobs Tax Credit, Film Tax Credit & Research Tax Credit
Credit for Taxes Paid to Other States
Quality Job Tax Credit
Quality Job Tax Credit
Quality Jobs and Jobs Tax Credits
Film Tax Credit
Film Tax Credit
Quality Jobs and Jobs Tax Credits
Permanent Establishment

The opinions expressed in these rulings are based upon the information contained in the requests and are limited to the specific transactions and persons in question. Rulings have no precedential value except to the person to whom the ruling was issued and then only for the specific transaction addressed in the ruling. Should the circumstances regarding a transaction change, or differ materially from those represented, then a ruling may become invalid. In addition, please be advised that subsequent statutory or administrative rule changes or judicial interpretations of the statutes and rules upon which this advice is based may subject similar future transactions to a different tax treatment than that expressed in these rulings.

Rule 560-1-1-.10. Letter Rulings