Withholding Tax Due Dates

Semi-Weekly Filers

Download this pdf file. Withholding HB 43 Requirements Summary


Payroll PeriodFormDue Date
January 2025GA-V/Payment2/18/2025
February 2025GA-V/Payment3/17/2025
March 2025GA-V/Payment4/15/2025
1ST QuarterG-7 Return4/30/2025
April 2025GA-V/Payment5/15/2025
May 2025GA-V/Payment6/16/2025
June 2025GA-V/Payment7/15/2025
2ND QuarterG-7 Return7/31/2025
July 2025GA-V/Payment8/15/2025
August 2025GA-V/Payment9/15/2025
September 2025GA-V/Payment10/15/2025
3RD QuarterG-7 Return10/31/2025
October 2025GA-V/Payment11/17/2025
November 2025GA-V/Payment12/15/2025
December 2025GA-V/Payment1/15/2026
4TH Quarter 2025G-7 Return2/2/2026
W-2/1099 NECG-1003 Return2/2/2026
All other 1099sG-1003 Return3/2/2026


Payroll PeriodFormDue Date
1ST QTR 2025G-7 Payment4/30/2025
1ST QTR 2025G-7 Return4/30/2025
2ND QTR 2025G-7 Payment7/31/2025
2ND QTR 2025G-7 Return7/31/2025
3RD QTR 2025G-7 Payment10/31/2025
3RD QTR 2025G-7 Return10/31/2025
4TH QTR 2025G-7 Payment2/2/2026
4TH QTR 2025G-7 Return2/2/2026
W-2/1099 NECG-1003 Return2/2/2026
All other 1099sG-1003 Return3/2/2026


Payroll PeriodFormDue Date
January 2024GA-V/Payment2/15/2024
February 2024GA-V/Payment3/15/2024
March 2024GA-V/Payment4/15/2024
1ST QuarterG-7 Return4/30/2024
April 2024GA-V/Payment5/15/2024
May 2024GA-V/Payment6/17/2024
June 2024GA-V/Payment7/15/2024
2ND QuarterG-7 Return7/31/2024
July 2024GA-V/Payment8/15/2024
August 2024GA-V/Payment9/16/2024
September 2024GA-V/Payment10/15/2024
3RD QuarterG-7 Return10/31/2024
October 2024GA-V/Payment11/15/2024
November 2024GA-V/Payment12/16/2024
December 2024GA-V/Payment1/15/2025
4TH Quarter 2024G-7 Return1/31/2025
W-2/1099 NECG-1003 Return1/31/2025
All other 1099sG-1003 Return2/28/2025


Payroll PeriodFormDue Date
1ST QTR 2024G-7 Payment4/30/2024
1ST QTR 2024G-7 Return4/30/2024
2ND QTR 2024G-7 Payment7/31/2024
2ND QTR 2024G-7 Return7/31/2024
3RD QTR 2024G-7 Payment10/31/2024
3RD QTR 2024G-7 Return10/31/2024
4TH QTR 2024G-7 Payment1/31/2025
4TH QTR 2024G-7 Return1/31/2025
W-2/1099 NECG-1003 Return1/31/2025
All other 1099sG-1003 Return2/28/2025
DateSemi-weekly Payer
Payday on Wednesday, Thursday, or FridayTaxes must be remitted via EFT on or before the following Wednesday
Payday on Saturday, Sunday, Monday, or TuesdayTaxes must be remitted via EFT on or before the following Friday
Filing DateSemi-weekly Form G-7/Schedule B is due on or before last day of the month following the end of the quarter
Important notice for all type filers - exception to all due dates:

If $100,000 or more is required to be withheld for a payday, the payment must be submitted electronically by the next banking day.

Form GA-V is not required if no tax was withheld or if payment was made electronically. If a due date falls on a Federal Reserve bank holiday, Georgia State holiday, Saturday or Sunday, the due date is extended to the next banking day.

1099s are only required to be submitted if there is Georgia withholding.

ACH Debits are submitted via the Georgia Tax Center.  These payments must be completed on or before the due date.

ACH Credits is the type of EFT specifically requested and granted under certain circumstances.  These payments must be received by the due date via EFT. 

Federal Wiring Payments are not accepted.