Specialty License Plate Sponsors

The information on this page is for sponsors who are interested in a Specialty License Plate to commemorate an Association, Group, Institution, or Organization.

Please review the following information before beginning the process of sponsoring a Specialty License Plate.

Types of Specialty License Plates

  • Non-revenue sharing license plates are available for sponsors who are ineligible for revenue sharing (i.e., have not had a bill passed authorizing revenue share).
  • Revenue sharing license plates are available for sponsors who have a legislative bill passed. Revenue from the registration and renewal of this type of Specialty plate can be shared with a valid non-profit organization who sponsors the plate.

Obtaining Specialty License Plate Approval

  1. Mail a letter of intent to the Motor Vehicle Division (MVD). If accepted, MVD will provide the application forms, and agreements for your organization to complete.
  2. Submit required forms, legal documents, and agreements. 
  3. Submit a Bond or Prepayment. (See  Download this pdf file. Specialty License Plate Approval Process Checklist  for more information.)
  4. Receive a letter of approval from the Department.
  5. Obtain and approve electronic proof and plate samples.
  6. Obtain legislative approval (Revenue sharing plates only).
    • If you are interested in applying for a revenue sharing license plate, contact a Representative or Senator of the Georgia General Assembly to request a bill be introduced on behalf of your organization to qualify for a revenue sharing Specialty plate. 
  7. Receive notification and instructions on how applicants can pick up their license plate. 

Related Links

Download this pdf file. Specialty License Plate Approval Process Checklist

Download this pdf file. Sample Letter of Intent from Sponsor

Download this pdf file. Georgia Digital License Plate Design Guidelines

Specialty License Plate mailing address:

DOR/Motor Vehicle Division
Attn: Sponsor Plate Coordinator
P. O. Box 740382
Atlanta, Georgia 30374-0382