School Bus & School Zone Infractions

Effective July 1, 2023, HB 183 modifies the procedures for enforcing penalties for school bus and school zone traffic violations. The changes in the law remove the requirement that the Department of Revenue (Department) place a hold on the vehicle title and prevent it from being sold or transferred to a new owner. Instead, HB 183 imposes a hold only on the vehicle’s registration. The registration hold will prevent the vehicle owner from renewing registration and obtaining a renewal decal until the penalties have been paid to the governing body or its agent.

The Department will meet its obligations under this law systematically through its Driver Record and Integrated Vehicle Enterprise System (“DRIVES”) e-Services upon request of a Governing Body or its Agent.

In order for a Governing Body or its Agent to place and remove holds on motor vehicles, the Governing Body or Agent must:

  1. Register through DRIVES e-Services.
  2. Click the “School Bus Login” link under the Login heading. Then click the “Register Here” link next to “School Bus and Zone Holds” and follow the instructions.
  3. Once registered, the Governing Body or Agent must login and follow the instructions to place or remove a hold on a motor vehicle.
    Note:  These procedures are subject to change.

More information

Download this pdf file. Policy Bulletin MVD-2023-03 - HB 183 School Bus/School Zone Violation

Download this pdf file. HB 978 Governing Body Agreement  - Completed agreement must be uploaded during the Governing Body’s registration process.

Download this pdf file. Sample Authorization Letter for School Bus and School Zone Violations  - Completed authorization letter must be uploaded during the Agent’s registration process.

Download this pdf file. School Bus-Zone Holds User Guide