Forms related to Business

Please complete the attached Citizenship Affidavit in its entirety and provide a copy of your Secure & Verifiable document i.e. (Driver’s License, Passport, Permanent Resident Card etc.) Learn more about the Citizenship Verification requirement.
Use this form to release a state tax lien from a specific piece of property.
Use this form when requesting the Georgia Department of Revenue to subordinate a state tax lien in favor of some other lien against real or personal property.
Brand Label Form Note about using the form: Some internet browsers have their own built in PDF viewers that may not be compatible with our forms. An Adobe Reader plug-in may be required for your browser. A free copy of Adobe Reader is available at if you are using any browser other than Internet Explorer (ex: Google Chrome, Safari) you must download the form to your desktop/documents, then you will be able to complete the form.
Distilled Spirits shipments to wholesalers report
Report of wine shipments into the state
Tax Exempt Wine Form
Excise Tax report for Malt beverages
Wholesale Distributor monthly malt beverage report
Certificate of Residence for Retail License Applicants only.