Qualified Timberland Properties

Application filing period begins January 1st and ends March 1st of each year.

Qualified Timberland Property Appraisal Manual

Already have Georgia Tax Center access?  
  1. Login to the Georgia Tax Center
  2. Select “See more links” under “I Want to”, then select the “Register a new tax account”
  3. Select Qualified Timberland Properties for your account type
  4. Continue through the process until complete
Never filed a return or created a tax account in Georgia?
  1. Go to Georgia Tax Center (GTC)
  2. Click on Register a New Georgia Business (Instructions)
  3. Select Qualified Timberland Properties for your account type
  4. Continue through the process until complete
Once registered
Use the Georgia Tax Center to electronically: 
  • File your application and return
  • Retrieve your Department of Revenue Certification/Non-Certification  
  • Retrieve your Department of Revenue Assessment Notice
  • Electronically receive your correspondence

Local Government Entities

  1. Login to the Georgia Tax Center
  2. To grant access to additional team members:
    1. Login to your GTC account
    2. Select the settings link
    3. Select additional logons
    4. Select the add button
    5. Enter the required information
    6. Submit the request

Once registered

Use the Georgia Tax Center to electronically: 

  • Retrieve the Department of Revenue Certifications/Non-Certifications for your county
  • Retrieve the Department of Revenue Assessment Notices for your county
  • Receive your correspondence


Need Help?

Georgia Tax Center Help 

Email Central Assessment or call 404-724-7014