Request Tax Clearance Letter

Georgia Tax Center

This can be completed online using the Georgia Tax Center (GTC)

You may request a tax clearance letter for all tax types including individuals and sole proprietors through Georgia Tax Center (GTC). GTC is the Department's secure electronic self-service portal that allows you to manage your taxes online.

What You Need to Know

  • Must have a GTC login
  • Available for all tax types
  • Will check for tax balances and delinquent periods for all accounts
    • If all accounts clear, the Tax Clearance letter will show all account types
    • If any accounts have a balance due or delinquent periods, a denial letter will generate
  • Next day, the Tax Clearance Letter is available for viewing or printing online
  • Copy of the Tax Clearance Letter is also mailed

How do I get a Tax Clearance Letter?

  1. Log into your GTC account
  2. On the Home screen, click the More… hyperlink. 
  3. Under the Request section, click the Request Tax Clearance Letter hyperlink.
  4. Click the Submit button on the Clearance screen.
  5. Click OK to confirm you want to submit the request.

A confirmation page will appear with the confirmation number.