QFCSO IT-QFCD-FUND2 and Form 990 Information
Below are the Form IT-QFCD-FUND2 reports and the returns or notices of the IRS Form 990 series or the Form 990 Proxy Spreadsheet received from Qualified Foster Child Support Organizations.
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Pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 48-7-29.24 and Rule 560-7-8-.68, Qualified Foster Child Support Organizations must submit by May 15 of each year a report detailing the contributions received during the calendar year on Form IT-QFCD-FUND2.
Qualified Foster Child Support Organizations must also submit by May 15 of each year a complete copy of the most recent annual information return or electronic notice of the IRS Form 990 series (990, 990-EZ, 990-N), including applicable attachments, to the Department of Revenue. For organizations that filed the IRS Form 990-N, a copy of the confirmation or listing by the IRS of the Form 990-N filing must be submitted to the Department of Revenue. For organizations not required to file any of the returns and notices of the IRS Form 990 series, the Form 990 Proxy Spreadsheet must be submitted to the Department of Revenue.
Below are the Form IT-QFCD-FUND2 reports and the returns or notices of the IRS Form 990 series or the Form 990 Proxy Spreadsheet received from Qualified Foster Child Support Organizations.