Phone Support Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm (EST) (excluding holidays)

Local Government Services sections have unique contact information. Select the appropriate group for more information.

Compliance and Distributions

Local Government Digest Compliance - Support for local tax officials for property tax purposes.  If you have a question regarding your property tax bill or assessment please contact your county tax officials

Local Government Distributions - Local sales tax distributions to MARTA and the counties, cities and school systems in the state.


Local Government Compliance & Distributions

(404) 724-7000
Local Government Central Assessment

Local Government Central Assessment - Valuation and assessment process associated with public utilities, airline flight equipment, railroad equipment, public service commission, qualified timberland properties and Tennessee Valley Authority as they relate to property tax administration.


Local Government Central Assessment

(404) 724-7008
Training Programs

Local Government Training Programs - Courses of instruction for the training of new appraisers and for the continuing education of experienced appraisers. 


Local Government Training Programs

(404) 724-7006