Who is required to provide the Citizenship Affidavit and copy of a Secure and Verifiable Document?
O.C.G.A. § 50-36-1 requires that anyone registering for or renewing public benefits with the Georgia Department of Revenue submit a Citizenship Affidavit and copy of a Secure and Verifiable Document with their registration or renewal. Such public benefits include, but are not limited to, licenses, permits, and/or tags for Alcohol, Tobacco, Motor Vehicle Dealers, and Motor Fuel Distributors. Exception: If you have an existing license, permit, or tag that is not subject to periodic renewal, such as a Motor Fuel Distributor License, you are not required to submit the Citizenship Affidavit and copy of a Secure and Verifiable Document for that existing license, permit, or tag. Only new registrations for such a license, permit, or tag will require the submission of these documents.
Who should sign the Citizenship Affidavit?
This Citizenship Affidavit must be signed by the licensee, permit holder, tag holder, or registrant and must be notarized. If the licensee, permit holder, tag holder, or registrant is a business, the Affidavit must be signed by an owner, officer, partner, LLC member, or responsible party of the business. A stamped signature is not acceptable. A front and back copy of a Secure and Verifiable Document must be submitted for the same individual who signs the Affidavit.
What is a Secure and Verifiable Document?
Examples of Secure and Verifiable Documents include a valid Driver's License or ID card issued by Georgia or another State, a valid United States passport, or an original or certified copy of a birth certificate issued by a State, county, municipal authority, or territory of the United States bearing an official seal.
When and where do I send the Citizenship Affidavit and copy of a Secure and Verifiable Document?
The documents must be provided upon renewal of or registration for any of the licenses, permits, or tags identified as public benefits.
If you have an existing license, permit, or tag that is subject to periodic renewal, the documents should not be submitted until such license, permit, or tag is due to be renewed.
If you have an existing license, permit, or tag that is not subject to periodic renewal, such as a Motor Fuel Distributor License, you are not required to submit the documents for that existing license, permit, or tag.
For Alcohol, Tobacco, and Motor Fuel Distributor Licenses and Permits: you must upload the required documents online in the Georgia Tax Center (GTC) prior to the registration or renewal process. Do NOT mail, hand deliver, fax, or email the documents. Instructions for how to submit the required documentation in GTC prior to registration or renewal are available on our sites Georgia Tax Center Info page.
For Motor Vehicle Dealer, Distributor, Manufacturer, and Transporter Tags; Temporary Site Permits; and Out of State Recreational Vehicle Franchise Dealer Permits: you may submit the required documents via email to [email protected] or fax to 404-724-7645. Alternatively, the required documents may be mailed to or dropped-off at the appropriate address.
Will the Citizenship Affidavit and copy of a Secure and Verifiable Document be kept on file with the Department?
Yes. However, some licensees, permit holders, tag holders, and registrants will be required to update and resubmit the documents. If the individual signing the Affidavit and providing the copy of a Secure and Verifiable Document is a U.S. Citizen, the documents need only be submitted one time for a particular licensee, permit holder, tag holder, or registrant. The documents will then be valid for all license types of that licensee, permit holder, tag holder, or registrant, and typically will not need to be resubmitted for subsequent renewals or registrations.
If the individual is not a U.S. citizen, the documents will be valid for all license types of that license, permit holder, tag holder, or registrant for the duration of the license. A new Citizenship Affidavit and copy of a Secure and Verifiable Document will need to be provided with every renewal.
If the licensee, permit holder, tag holder, or registrant is a business, and the individual who signed and submitted the Citizenship Affidavit and copy of a Secure and Verifiable Document ceases to be an owner, officer, partner, LLC member, or responsible party of that business, new documents will need to be provided for a current owner, officer, partner, LLC member, or responsible party. The business should maintain current information for its registered individuals to avoid delays during the registration and/or renewal process.
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Citizenship Verification
The Georgia Department of Revenue is required to verify the immigration status of anyone registering for or renewing the following licenses, permits, tags, and registrations:
- State Alcohol License (includes retailer, wholesaler, broker, manufacturer, shipper, importer, and special events)
- State Alcohol Permit (business representatives)
- State Tobacco License (includes retailer, wholesaler, importer, and manufacturer)
- State Tobacco Permit (business representatives)
Motor Fuel
- Motor Fuel Distributor License
Motor Vehicle
- Dealer, Distributor, Manufacturer, and Transporter Tags
- Temporary Site Permit
- Out of State Recreational Vehicle Franchise Dealer Permit
Related Files and Forms
Citizenship Affidavit for Alcohol, Tobacco & Motor Fuel