Responsibilities of Sellers and Buyers

On this page find information on the responsibilities of the seller and the buyer purchasing a vehicle.

Seller's Responsibility

When selling a vehicle, the vehicle owner must transfer ownership AND cancel registration of the vehicle. 

Buyer's Responsibility

It is the Buyer's responsibility to title and register the vehicle within 7 days of the purchase date at their County Tag Office. Read more about how to Title and Register a Vehicle Purchased in a Casual Sale.

The Buyer should:

  • Ensure that the Seller has completed all the required sections.Never sign a title that has been left blank. 
  • Read more about how to Transfer a Vehicle Titled In Georgia.
  • Acknowledge odometer declaration by printing and signing name. If exempt from odometer declaration, do not print name and sign this document.
    • Note: When odometer disclosure is required, odometer reading must increase throughout the chain of ownership. “Exempt” should only be entered when the vehicle is exempt based on the Federal Truth in Mileage Act.

Criminal Offense

Do not give or accept a title where the assignment has been signed without the purchaser(s) name entered.

Georgia Code 40-3-91(c) states: “Any person, firm, or corporation which delivers or accepts a certificate of title assigned in blank shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, up on conviction thereof, shall be fined not more than $100.00 or imprisoned for a period not to exceed 30 days for the acceptance or delivery of each certificate of title assigned in blank.”