Dealer Registration
House Bill 207 makes it mandatory for motor vehicle dealers to complete all initial and renewal registrations through DRIVES e-Services. The following documents are required to be uploaded:
- Completed Form MV-6 Dealer, Distributor and Manufacturer License Plate Application.
- Completed Form MV-6A Dealer, Distributor, Manufacturer and Transporter Authorized/Add/Delete Agents Application.
- Completed MV-6C Dealer, Distributor, Manufacturer and Transporter Renewal Application.
- A photocopy of your Georgia business license or Georgia occupational license.
- Proof of publicly listed telephone number(s) in Georgia. Note: Cell phone numbers are not accepted.
- Photocopy of proof of your State of Georgia Tax ID number.
- Photocopy of Form ST2 Georgia Sales Tax Certificate (DOR/Sales & Use Tax Division 1-877-423-6711)
- Photocopy of each authorized agent or representative’s Georgia Driver’s License or ID card.
- Completed Motor Vehicle Affidavit for Citizenship Verification.
- A completed MV-6B Dealer, Distributor, Manufacturer, & Transporter Application for Additional Tags when applying for more than two additional license plates, certifying the number of vehicles sold during the previous calendar year. When recording the number, the “Actual Number” box must be checked. Only three license plates (one master and two additional) will be issued without showing the number of vehicles sold in the previous year on Form MV-6B.
- Photographs of signs, sales rooms or offices, and the car lot to validate an established place of business in Georgia.
Email questions to
The Department has the right to limit the number of additional license plates issued when the numbers certified in affidavit Form MV-6B differs from the Department’s records, business records, or investigative findings. The Department may request additional documents to validate the need for additional license plates.
Dealer Plate Guidelines
Dealer license plates can be used:
- On vehicles in the company’s inventory that are being demonstrated to a potential buyer
- To transport an inventory vehicle from one location to another
- On dealership vehicles used by officers and employees. Employees are defined as persons working for these businesses at least 36 hours per week.
Dealer license plates cannot be used:
- On privately owned vehicles
- On vehicles leased or for hire
- On vehicles used in dealership operations like rentals, delivery, parts delivery, towing, rollbacks, courtesy, or any other manner
- On vehicles used by friends or family members of employees or officers of the business
You can be fined if you use these license plates illegally. If it is determined in a department hearing that the license plates were unlawfully used, the plates may be revoked and confiscated.
Note: If you go out of business, you must turn in all license plates with a signed letter indicating the reason for return to the MVD Business Registration Unit at the address shown above.
Dealer Plate Replacement
You must submit the following to the MVD Business Registration Unit:
- The damaged license plate, notarized affidavit or a copy of the police report detailing how the plate was lost or stolen. The plate number must be listed on the report.
- Completed Form MV-6B Dealer, Distributor, Manufacturer and Transporter Application for Additional Tags.
- Check or money order for $12 payable to the Georgia Department of Revenue.
- If the license plate was lost in the mail prior to your receipt, a completed Form T-200 Affidavit of Non-Receipt of an Original License Plate/Renewal Decal in lieu of $12 payment.
By mail at:
DOR/Motor Vehicle Division
Attn: Business Registration Unit
P.O. Box 740382
Atlanta, Georgia 30374-0382